Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do you achieve that strong powerful persona?
  2. Who am I, really, deep down?
  3. Where did I put my mobile phone?
  4. Have you tried ringing it ?
  5. Have you a date set?
  6. When is the baby due?
  7. No, I mean, .. look, when is the baby due?
  8. What baby?
  9. What is the meaning of life?
  10. Do you really get asked about having a strong powerful persona?
  11. Why do people like that exist?
  12. Do I have a brain?
  13. Help! how do I get out of this mad place?


How do you achieve that strong powerful persona?

Well.. Huh.  I guess it's just down to natural class.

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Who am I, really, deep down?

Let me check.  Oh, weird.  It seems you are completely shallow.  You don't have a deep down.  Scrape the surface and there's just, general panic.

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Where did I leave my mobile phone?

The question you did in fact ask was, "Where did I put my mobile phone", but the above question gives exactly the same answer.  I have translated your question to the above form as my brain associates this phrase with a well used neural pathway leading directly to the answer with no need of a rigorous derivation based on a recollection of your previous actions.  Just beside the door.  You left it there just before you ran back upstairs to .. grab your phone?  But you had it downstairs.  IN YOUR HAND!  You liúdramán.

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Have you tried ringing it?

No.  I've lost my phone so I can't ring anyone.

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Have you a date set?

What date?  Oh yeah.  29th April.  Nearly completely sure it'll be then.  It's kept being put back cos we didn't have enough money and there were complications with getting everything to fall onto the same date, but it looks like its going ahead now.

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When is the baby due?

... how dare you ... the cheek.  Ha ha.  Yeah I'm going to start doing exercise and stuff as soon as I get sorted.  Why are people so mean.  This doesn't help me to feel good about myself so that I can be motivated and SORT out the problem.  rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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No, I mean, .. look, when is the baby due?

... what baby?

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What baby?

Sorry.  I just thought, you know... never mind.  Just forget about it...

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What is the meaning of life?

I don't know everything.  But the internet does.

Just because that didn't completely satisfy you doesn't mean the internet didn't know the answer.  Unfortunately the internet tried to communicate the answer to you using language.  Language is a subset of life and therefore cannot be used describe whatever it is that life is a subset of.  In fact language is also incapable of describing the question, "What is the meaning of life".  The answer to the true question, which I will describe as a sort of longing for something (General as this description is, it still doesn't quite describe the question properly, but is as specific as I can get without allowing for pedantic know-it-alls breaking down the question and answering some corruption of the true desire/question/thing/other) is at once complicated and simple, depending on whether you are a good person or a bad person.  Unfortunately you are a bad person with a knowledge of both good and evil, and the answer is mostly complicated, but can be best described (assuming you understand English, sinon arrete de lire*) as, "The Meaning of Life".

Having experienced the meaning of life myself, I still find myself doing meaningless things.  This is because only a part of me experienced the meaning of life, and the rest of me is meandering around ignorantly.  In fact the part of me that knows the meaning of life had to be created by that which also created the meaning of life in the first place.  If I had done that I would feel very smug.  Anyway that doesn't help you very much, since I can't explain it to you.  In fact, all I can experience is the meaning of my own life, so you'll have to discover the answer for yourself.  It's really meaningful for the part of you that is alive, but the part of you that's dead thinks it's boring.  That's the problem.  Hmmm.  Incidentally, have you ever noticed the similarity between "Ommm" and "Hmmm"?  "Hmmm" is purely ruminative, while "Ommm" is purely meditative", but the two are definitely similar, yes?**

I must of course warn you that the particular site that tried to give you the answer said that because religion tells people what to do it doesn't actually answer the question of meaning of life.  In order to truly understand the meaning of life (ie. not just in an abstract sense), one surely needs to experience life, in the same way as one might attempt to understand a subset of life such as culture. For example the bible states that sin leads to death, and in that way sinful acts are not a part of life but death.  There is an implicit definition of life here as something that is a part of God's original creation.  In other words, only the creator of life, entitled God in the bible, can define life, and anything that is defined by someone else cannot be life unless it was first defined by God.  When humans found a knowledge of good and evil, they were able to act on this knowledge.  Things that are good are defined by God and are therefore part of life, and things that are evil are part of death.  Thus in order to understand life we must do things that are good.  Although religion often claims to define what is good according to God, one might argue that a set of rules that exist within life cannot define the whole of life (see Godel's theorem) .

In this way, yes religion cannot show us the meaning of life, but any attempt to follow God be it through religion or otherwise may help one to come to a good understanding.  Perhaps only God can know the type of complete and consistent definition that an encyclopedia tries to give.  My point is that the Bible has actually given a definition of life as anything defined by God (creation), and this may be the best definition anyone can have if they are not in fact God.  Thus the closer one is to God, the better one understands life, and since religion claims to bridge our relationship with God, wikipedia cannot categorically say that religion doesn't help us to know  the meaning of life unless it disproves the existence of God as described (partly) by religion.  This appears to be impossible, or at the very least has yet to be achieved.

Incidentally, if one believes death (in the physical sense) is a part of life even though something that is dead is not alive, one must redefine life as something greater than a physical organism.  Since our lives do involve death this proves that life is not simply physical.  Hah!

* Only a Frenchman could be stupid enough to read a language he didn't understand.***

**my direct translation from the original script of Romans 7:14-23****

*** No offence to the French.*****

****actually no, I didn't bother tracking down the original script and learning the appropriate language.  I just used the holy spirit.  Easy.******

***** I think French women are sexy and intelligent.  It's just the men.

******The bit about Ommm may have been my own input.

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Do you really get asked about having a strong powerful persona?

No.  But Piérre does.  I gave his answer.  It sounds better in French but I don't want him to know I used his line on my site.  He can't read English but he still reads my web page.

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Why do people like that exist?

This isn't about Piérre.  He's harmless.  This is about rude ignorant people.  My colleague in work asks me this question frequently.

They exist because we are too cowardly to cull our race, and their genes propagate through the generations.  Beware, eircom net customers, of your attitude.  We have your address.  Remember, we do not run eircom or eircom net, so it is pointless harassing us (when we try our best to help you) over eircom's evil attempts to insanify you all.  We would be perfectly within our rights to go around to your house and enhance the evolution of the human race.

Do I have a brain?

This one is more frequently asked than you might think.  The answer may be found if you saw off the top of your head and poke around at the goo inside.

Note:  There is no need to actually know what a brain is meant to look like.  If you follow the instructions exactly as I have stated, you obviously don't have a brain.

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Help! How do I get out of this mad place?

Quickly!  Come this way!

James Hackett
Copyright © 1999  [OrganizationName]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 10, 2006 .